


audit, product sales, enterprise revenues


The agricultural sector for the Ukrainian state has always been one of the priority areas of both foreign economic and domestic economic development of the country, because the issues of organization of production and support of food supply for an individual state are relevant at all times. Not only the viability and self-sufficiency of the country and society depend on it, but also many various directions of human activity. Production at agricultural enterprises with a large number of nomenclatures carries insignificant fluctuations in the volume of a particular type of product, which, in turn, lead to a process of redistribution of total costs relative to a certain structure of production. Sales of products, work performed and services provided in agriculture – the main source of cash, the amount of which depends on the quantity, quality, time, place and channel of sales. However, in market conditions, traditional forms of financial control cannot perform the function of protecting the property interests of owners. The practice of market economies shows that the property interests of owners can be protected by such a type of independent financial control as audit, which is one of the main elements of their market infrastructure. A prerequisite for such control is the mutual interest of enterprises in the face of their owners (shareholders, depositors, etc.), the state in the face of tax authorities and the auditor in ensuring the accuracy of accounting and reporting.


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