law, legal profession, acquisition of the legal profession, principles of the legal education, quality principle, efficiency principle.Abstract
The article focuses on the specifics of the profession of a lawyer, the acquisition of which is atypical, which depends, first of all, on the specialization of the future lawyer. The status and prospects of the development of the legal education are analyzed. The problems of the organizational and legal nature of the organization of obtaining a legal education are covered. It is emphasized that the European universities, in pursuit of the highest level of quality, competitiveness and excellence, accessibility and democracy in their work, oblige the Governments and educational structures to plan and take concrete joint steps in creating a single “Europe of Knowledge”. At the same time, their competitiveness is raised not by restrictions and control by the state, but by their own transformation. That is why the national concept of reforming and modernizing the legal education in Ukraine should also be aimed at implementing pan-European approaches and principles. In the European countries the forms of organization of the legal education and training for practice are different, they are correlated with each other, but they are not connected in any way rigidly and alternatively, as it is proposed in Ukraine. The need to improve the quality of the educational services in Ukraine, as exemplified by foreign countries, is emphasized. Generally speaking, the national concept of reforming and modernizing the legal education in Ukraine should also be aimed at implementing pan-European approaches and principles. The specific problems of ensuring the implementation of the principle of efficiency and quality in the process of preparing a future lawyer are highlighted. The authors suggest ways to improve the system of organization of the legal education, as well as tactics of training the future lawyer. It is concluded that further scientific and practical studies on ensuring the principle of efficiency and quality in the process of organizing the legal education with a view to improving it have a direct impact on both the assertion of the rights and freedoms of the individuals and the strengthening of the national security.
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