


anti-corruption, anti-corruption, corruption, anti-corruption measures, Anti-Corruption Strategic Plan.


The article is devoted to the consideration of foreign experience of combating corruption and the possibility of its implementation in Ukraine. It is established that the experience gained by developed countries in the fight against corruption is a testimony to the fact that the most effective in this matter are those states which use a comprehensive and very principled approach to solving the relevant problems. It has been found that many countries around the world have pursued targeted measures to develop, adopt and enforce specific anti-corruption laws. The experience of combating corruption in Finland is considered. It has been established that the Finnish Anti-Corruption System does not classify corruption as a crime, but rather qualifies it as an administrative offense, for which it is possible to bring criminal responsibility only in case of their grave gravity. The experience of combating corruption in the Netherlands is considered. It is established that for our country the necessary positive experience is to publicly discuss the effectiveness of the work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on how corruption scandals are investigated. The experience of combating corruption in Israel, Georgia and the Federal Republic of Germany is considered. It is established that the anti-corruption fight in Germany is based on the task of destroying the material, first and foremost, financial, base of anti-legal groups. The fight against corruption in the Baltic States, the United Kingdom, France, Italy and South Korea has been revealed. The common administrative measures of the anti-corruption struggle of each of these states are identified and the steps to be taken in Ukraine, in particular, namely: to ensure fair and responsible administration; to achieve complete independence of the judiciary; establish strict oversight of compliance with high ethical standards for officials; to establish high social protection of civil servants; to guarantee media independence, involve the public sector in combating corruption; to strengthen laws and their implementation; to create economic mechanisms; to make markets and competition more meaningful; to tune the society and the whole corps of officials not to perceive corruption morally and psychologically; and to provide information to the public.


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How to Cite

Швидкий, Я. Ю. (2020). FOREIGN EXPERIENCE AGAINST CORRUPTION AND THE POSSIBILITY OF ITS IMPLEMENTATION IN UKRAINE. Expert: Paradigm of Law and Public Administration, (1(7), 219-227.

