medicines, availability of the medicines, mechanism of reimbursement of the medicines, reimbursement, digital-communications.Abstract
The article focuses on the main problems of accessibility of the medicines to the citizens. It is emphasized that the entry into force of the Government’s program “Affordable Medicines” from April 1, 2017 requires a detailed study of the efficacy and socio-economic effectiveness of the mechanism of reimbursement of the cost of drugs for the treatment of 3 categories of diseases (cardiovascular, type II diabetes and bronchial asthma). It is emphasized that the medicines subject to reimbursement under the Government’s “Affordable Medicines” program will be available from pharmacy establishments on April 1, 2019 solely by electronic prescriptions issued through an electronic healthcare system requiring digital-communications. The first steps of introduction of the digital-communications in the administration of the Government program “Affordable Medicines” are analyzed and their influence on the level of both physical and economic accessibility of the medicines to the citizens, as well as the efficacy of the control over the effectiveness of the use of the budget funds aimed at the reimbursement of the cost of the medicines. The need to intensify the dialogue of the National Health Service of Ukraine with the public on the effects of the reimbursement mechanism was emphasized. It was stated that for a long time the communication interaction between the NHSU and the public on these issues was limited solely to appeals and complaints. It is emphasized that the stakeholders need a more sophisticated communication mechanism for interaction with the NHSU, which would provide a positive communicative effect through feedback. The priority stakeholder groups have been identified, whose interests with the introduction of the digital-communications in the administration of the Government’s “Affordable Medicines” program are still being neglected. The existing shortcomings in the organization of the digital-communications under the Government program “Affordable Medicines” have been identified and practical recommendations have been proposed for its improvement for the stakeholder-approach, the implementation of which in practice will make it possible in the near future to ensure both an increase in the level of the citizens’ access to the medicines and an increase in the level of the socio-economic efficiency of the reimbursement mechanism.
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