corruption, corruption offense, corruption crime, criminological characteristics, prevention of corruption crime, anti-corruption strategy.Abstract
Effective fight against corruption requires a scientific concept of its prevention. One of the main principles of such a concept should be the understanding of corruption as a socially conditioned phenomenon. Prevention of corruption requires the study of the conditions in which the anticorruption strategy in Ukraine is formed and implemented in the modern period, the assessment of state policy in this direction, as well as the identification of criminologically significant problems of specific mechanisms for such prevention.. The following principles should be enshrined in the regulations on the formation of anti-corruption culture: in the system «official – citizen» – adherence to the position «do not take – do not give»; adherence to political culture; consolidation in the public consciousness (moral and ethical norms) of anti-corruption behavior; making gifts within the rules and regulations; active involvement of public attention in corruption and anticorruption facts. The reset of the anti-corruption system, which continues in the rule-making plane, requires the implementation of the already established legal provisions in the field of law enforcement, in particular in the activities of law enforcement and other state institutions with experience in financial investigations. Of all the problems related to the prevention of corruption in Ukraine, the most harmful to the state is corruption crime in law enforcement agencies, in particular because the damage it causes to society cannot be measured by generally accepted statistics.. The current state of investigation of criminal offenses and administrative proceedings in cases of administrative offenses indicates that due to the low quality of materials provided to the courts, final decisions in these cases are not always made in a timely manner.
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