system of public management, historical experience of state formation, democracy, public management effectiveness, public authorities.Abstract
The paper studies the evolution of public management in Ukraine. Political and social events of positive as well as of negative character, which had great impact on the system of public management in different historical periods of state formation, have been studied. The traditions of self-administration and democracy, which manifested themselves in different forms of public gatherings on discussing common goals and solving the problems of public, political and cultural life can be observed in Kyiv Rus, Zaporizhzhia Sich, Ukraininan People’s Republic. The analysis of public management in Ukraine in the period of Soviet epoch shows that public management practices were not efficient and were not aimed at improving the level of people’s life. During this time period, the combination of public management with the political power of the party as well as with formal impact of the society through its participation in a one-candidate race was a peculiar characteristic of public management. Public management operated on the basis of 5-year plans which had the force of law. The democratization processes began in early 90s in Ukraine. They are slow, hard and often inconsistent. Some significant changes are taking place in Ukraine at present, they are caused at the request of the society and concern a problem of a more efficient selfadministration. In recent years, Ukraine has carried out a number of effective reforms, in a system of public management in particular. Ukrainian politics is characterised by a dynamic competition among parties. But, the influence of Ukrainian tycoons on politics remains due to the financial support which they give to political parties. At the same time corruption is widely spread, and the anti-corruptive initiatives are only partly realized. The main determinants of a modern system of public management in Ukraine are the necessity to renew the organisational principles of public management, to change the practice of making managerial decisions by the central authorities in accordance with the principles of democratisation, digitization of public management process and the introduction of the efficient methods of interraction between state authorities, business and the society.
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