amendments to the constitution, law, constitutional act, constitutional referendum, constitutionalism, constitution, legitimacy of the constitution, basic law.Abstract
The article forms the theoretical foundations of the concept of amending the constitution. There are analyzed main provisions of the national and Polish constitutional legislation, which set out the order and procedure for amending the Basic Law. Changes to the Constitution often attract considerable public attention, causing tensions and heated debates not only about their content, but also about the procedure for their introduction. More often such discussions arise due to the decisions of the constitutional courts on the unconstitutionality of the amendments to the constitution. The article reveals the essence and content of the procedures for amending the constitutions in Ukraine and Poland. This article analyzes the main ways to amend the constitutions and identifies their impact on constitutional processes in Ukraine and Poland. The following provisions are subject to comparative analysis: ways of amending constitutions, initiatives to amend constitutions, parliamentary procedures, referendums on amendments to constitutions, restrictions on amending constitutions, and the role of constitutional courts in amending constitutions. An important and controversial issue is the possibility of constitutional courts to declare unconstitutional laws amending the Constitution. In general, the interference of a body of constitutional jurisdiction in the legislative sphere by changing the wording of the current constitution is not acceptable; but the adoption by the parliament of the relevant law without obtaining a conclusion on its conformity with the final version of the Constitution violates the established procedure. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures to strengthen the role of constitutional courts in the procedure of amending the Basic Laws, namely their ability to influence parliaments, provided that they adopt laws to amend constitutions in violation of established rules and prevent this.
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