pandemic, Covid-19 pandemic, European Union, local government.Abstract
The publication is devoted to the current problem of the Covid-19 pandemic. The author of the article analyzes the impact of the pandemic on local and regional governments in the European Union. Based on the analysis of scientific research of such scientists as K. Baran, W. Burek, M. Gibek, F. Morawski, J. Żochowska and others. On the problems of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on local self-government and governance in the EU member states, the key directions of transformation of the relevant government and administrative activities with the use of digitalization potential are substantiated. He emphasizes that as a result, local governments have faced the most difficult and painful test of their ability to seek and achieve political, economic and social responses to this health crisis. The author of the article pays special attention to the dynamically introduced digitization, which made it possible to conduct remote meetings of individual authorities in the local government. However, it would not be possible if it were not for the proper preparation of this entire process, both in terms of the functioning of the commune and its institutions, as well as the preparation of residents to use on-line tools, or the implementation in a new way of compliance with the processes related to customer service and reprogramming thinking about new processes. The author notes that it is also a challenge for local governments in terms of using these experiences, introducing new management systems, and securing various spheres for which they are responsible against similar threats in the future. The Covid-19 pandemic has also showed that local authorities began to be more important to local communities than state authorities. Local leaders turned out to be much more responsible and more efficient in action aimed at taking care of local communities. Many of the initiatives undertaken indicated not only the immediate reactions of local authorities, but also the strategic economic protection of both individuals and business entities.
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