public servant ethics, public service, public servants, criteria of public servant ethics, human resource management.Abstract
The importance of analyzing the ethics of civil servants as an object of state regulation, codification of ethical norms and the formation of mechanisms of moral regulation is related to the modern problems that are acute in the public service of Ukraine, namely, on the issue of corruption among officials, manifestations of ineffective work of civil servants, a significant percentage of public distrust in the activities of public authorities. The confidence of the population in civil servants is a fundamental condition for effective public administration. Yes, it is the moral norms of behavior of public servants that become a fundamental factor determining the quality and effectiveness of public administration. In this regard, the analysis of problems related to professional ethics in the system of public service seems extremely relevant. Public service as an institution of the state should be a guarantor of building the rule of law, solve the problems of social stabilization, economic development, the recovery of society. In connection with the need to overcome the above crisis phenomena in modern Ukrainian society and the formation of a modern competitive state, the development of mechanisms to form ethical principles and values in the system of public service acquires particular importance. This article reveals the results of a study conducted to illustrate which ethical values can be embodied and which can be modernized into a system of workable, manageable, and applicable standards. The essence of the question, what is public service ethics? A discussion of moral professionalism and values that embody the essence of public service has been conducted. The importance of involving public service and civil society actors in the process is noted. Problems that need to be addressed in the introduction or modification of ethics management in public service are identified. A number of measures are recommended to promote ethics in the public service, including public involvement, improvement of the legal framework and implementation of ethics as an integral part of human resource management in the public service.
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