foreign economic security, public administration, mechanisms of public administration, modeling, modelAbstract
The article investigates the process of modeling public administration in the field of foreign economic security as a certain sequence of development of functional, informational and morphological models, as well as the integration of these models. It is established that the functional model is a model of activity that provides initial data for the development of an information model. The information model characterizes the degree of uncertainty inherent in a system or system problem, the level of our knowledge about them, about problems in knowledge and ways to solve them. A morphological model is a description of the internal structure of a system or system problem, the identification of subsystems or subproblems and the establishment of relationships between them, the identification of autonomous functions in a functional model and the systematization of models. The result of developing a morphological model is a representation of the structure and functions of system elements, classification of connections and description of dynamics of action, as a result of which the researcher receives a refined morphological model that corresponds to functional and information models of system of public administration in foreign economic security. It is conclude that the proposed morphological model of public administration in the field of foreign economic security, organizational and logical scheme of development of the target program for the development of public administration in the field of foreign economic security will ensure the functional integrity of public administration in the field of foreign economic security, which is covered by a single plan to ensure foreign economic security of Ukraine at the strategic, tactical and operational levels of public administration in this area, taking into account the requirements of foreign economic security environment to the system of foreign economic security and existing resource and time constraints.
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