administrative procedure, construction passport, town planning conditions and restrictions, manor house, manor house, individual houseAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the category of the administrative procedure for obtaining a building passport for the development of a land plot as part of a special regime for the development of territories in urban planning activities. The purpose of the article is to study the content of the concept of administrative procedure, construction passport as legal categories, as a legal and philosophical phenomenon, the influence of these concepts on the formation of the regulatory framework of urban planning law, legislation and the legal system of Ukraine, to clarify the true content of normative legal acts, with elucidation of the factors that determine the existence of such categories of law and determine their objective necessity. The article attaches great importance to both the legal and philosophical interpretation of these concepts, primarily from the point of view of the conceptual apparatus of the Ukrainian language. The article analyses the structure of the administrative service for obtaining a town-planning passport, as well as the administrative procedure for obtaining town-planning conditions and land development restrictions, sufficient for conducting a comparative analysis of these procedures. Special attention is paid to the understanding of complex and simple administrative procedures in evaluate order the politically motivated concepts of simplifying the provision of administrative services, the introduction of a scientific approach to this activity in order to obtain an objective result important for society. Majuscule of subjects of urban planning activity in their daily work are forced to use appropriate administrative services, especially in the urban area planning activity, as a fundamental branch of the economy of Ukraine, therefore, correct legal understanding and law enforcement are important factors in the successful economic development of our state. Considerable attention is paid to a special construction object – a manor house, its synonyms, related concepts, components. It is noted that the regulatory and legal framework of Ukraine does not have a coherent idea about such an object, there is a constant evolution of ideas about it, and this, in turn, makes it difficult to obtain the appropriate administrative service. The provision of administrative services, especially regard to permissive documents, must always be carried out in full compliance with legislation, and the legislation on these issues must be directed not only to the consumer, but also in a socially important field, such as urban planning, and to the needs and demands of society.
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