information security, information space, information resources, information infrastructure, national security, cybercrime, computer systems, cyberattacks, the Internet, legal mechanisms, declarations, legal actsAbstract
Cybersecurity and the fight against cybercrime in the conditions of integration processes constantly require systemic changes in means and methods in regulation and implementation of the latest legal and high-tech solutions. The foreign experience of the functioning of the system of legal regulation of the fight against cybercrime for our country is due to the aggravation of the situation with the increase in the volume of criminal activity in cybernets and the slow state-level advanced development in this field. The scale of the Internet indicates the absence of local functioning of certain elements of cybercrime within the state or region, therefore, in any case, national legislation must meet the generally recognized global standards in this area for the possibility of appropriate international cooperation. In addition, the process of formation or establishment of a system of legal regulation of combating cybercrime is impossible without taking into account the mistakes and achievements made during the formation of the concept of confrontation in individual countries. The further development of the cyberspace protection system of Ukraine against cyber-attacks depends on the level of interaction of interested parties: the state, citizens, scientific and technical systems, private enterprises and consists in the development of the latest information and communication technologies, the legislative and regulatory framework, and the system of training the population in the safe use of cyberspace. Currently, a new relevant concept is used – «cyber war», which indicates the global pirate use of the Internet, technical and informational means by any aggressor country, which aims to harm the economic, political, technical, military and informational security and sovereignty of any – which country The assessment of regulatory and legal aspects of ensuring information security as a component of Ukraine’s national security raises concerns about the level of security of its national interests in the information sphere, and provides for priority measures in the regulatory and legal regulation of the law-making process in the field of countering cyber threats.
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