continuous business, ERP-system, CRM, WEB-technology, application, automationAbstract
To prevent disruptions in the work of the organization with the corresponding losses of the organization is necessary to maintain the functioning of critical systems, which include CRM-systems and actually represent the application software for organizations designed to automate strategies for interaction with customers (clients). In this case use the WEB-technologies, under which usually mean markup languages, programming languages, databases, systems and CMS platforms and other technologies that allow you to create websites, applications and stores. The article substantiates the use of ERP/CRM-system and its components to create a multifunctional WEB-platform for continuous business with appropriate practical content. Analysis of publications and research with CRM shows the need for continuous updating of the relevant software, as well as the development of its methodological framework and requires constant monitoring, further study of practical recommendations to improve staff performance in the CRM-system. It is proved that the modular principle of organization of ERP systems allows introducing these systems stage by stage, consistently translating one or more functional modules, as well as choosing the modules that are relevant to the organization. In addition, the modularity of ERP systems allows you to build solutions based on several ERP systems, choosing from each of the best-in-class modules (best-of-breed). The breakdown of modules and their grouping is different, but most major vendors have groups of modules: finance, personnel, and operations. As a result, the development of CRM technologies and other systems of management and administration of relations between producers and consumers becomes the key to active development of business of any scale. For a joint effective interaction and management of marketing and sales, it is necessary to provide an effective common information space, friendly to users, which provides exactly the CRM, CRM-systems and other similar to the functionality and content of the system. Further research and improvement of such systems should take place in the direction of covering all links of production and realization, improvement of existing and development of new useful applications.
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