pseudorandom sequence, modulo addition operations, cryptographic transformation, cryptanalysisAbstract
Problems of security and integrity of information in computer systems and networks require special approaches to their solution. Data exchange processes have become much simpler, faster, and some of them are free. Making important decisions in industry, financial and government spheres is no longer possible without processing gigantic arrays of information. Due to the recent events in Ukraine and the world and the increase in the number of attacks on computer systems, it is necessary to solve new tasks of information protection, which are faced by relevant specialists. At the same time, the danger of interference in the operation of information systems for unauthorized reading of information begins to grow. Currently, there is a global transition to an information society, the development of which is inextricably linked with the intensification of information processes, the need to collect, process and transmit huge amounts of information. Informatization has affected all spheres of human activity as a whole: public administration, finance, economy, education, production, etc. A special place in the field of information protection is occupied by tasks, the solution of which has important scientific, technical and national importance. One of these tasks is to increase the efficiency of computer cryptography algorithms due to the development of new microcrypto primitives. Cryptography is one of the ways to combat cybercrime. Various cryptographic encryption methods, which are used to protect information resources that are processed, stored and transmitted in modern information and communication systems and networks, make it possible to sufficiently reliably and effectively protect information from unauthorized access and familiarization with it. Cryptographic protection, that is, the use of text encryption procedure with the help of complex mathematical algorithms, is gaining more and more popularity. The solution of this task will make it possible to improve the existing crypto algorithms and create new ones, the main advantages of which will be high speed and crypto resistance due to the increase in the variability of the encryption process. The paper provides a theoretical substantiation of the effect of improving the quality of statistical characteristics of the resulting pseudorandom sequence, built on the basis of modulo addition of the results of two-bit operations of cryptographic transformation of information. The obtained results are confirmed by statistical portraits of the testing of the studied pseudorandom sequences. The constructed portraits for various parameters of sequence generation have been analyzed.
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