gender equality, educational activities, curriculum, professional development, discrimination, inclusivity, information and analytical system for monitoring gender equality in educational activitiesAbstract
The essence and structure of gender equality in educational activities are examined. The concept of gender equality and its significance for the educational process are explored. The article describes the structure of gender equality, including the integration of gender equality into educational programs, support for gender equality at the school level, and the professional development of teachers and educators. Emphasis is placed on the importance of implementing gender equality in education to create a fair, equitable, and inclusive learning environment. The importance of the need for designing, modeling and implementing an information-analytical system for monitoring gender equality in educational activities. The aim of the article is to research and explain the essence and structure of gender equality in educational activities, as well as to promote the creation of a digital fair and inclusive educational environment for all participants in the educational process. Achieving this goal involves conducting an analysis and investigation of gender equality in educational activities, which will contribute to enhancing understanding and practical implementation of gender equality in education and further development of the information and analytical system for monitoring gender equality in educational activities. The scientific novelty of the article lies in presenting an updated analysis and investigation of gender equality in educational activities based on current data and scientific research. The article introduces new arguments that confirm the importance of gender equality in the educational context. The scientific novelty of the article lies in its contribution to the understanding of gender equality in education and proposing new ideas or solutions to overcome challenges in this field, which are possible due to the automation of the process of monitoring gender equality in educational activities. Conclusions. Gender equality in education is important for ensuring justice and equal rights for all participants in the educational process. Integrating gender equality into curriculum and materials promotes a conscious understanding of gender issues among students. Avoiding stereotypes and discrimination is a key aspect of gender equality in education, which contributes to creating an inclusive and supportive learning environment for all students. Supporting students’ self-determination, respecting different gender identities, and providing support for their self-expression are important components of gender equality in education. Creating policies and protocols to combat discrimination, building inclusive classroom communities, and developing teachers’ skills in supporting gender equality are crucial strategies for promoting gender equality in school environments. All of the above leads to the need to develop an information and analytical system for monitoring gender equality in educational activities.
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