artificial intelligence, machine learning, software testing, testing automationAbstract
The article investigates the role and effectiveness of artificial intelligence tools in modern software testing processes, the main areas of their application, and their significance for ensuring the reliability, security, and efficiency of software. With the rapid development of internet technologies, the effective development of web applications has become extremely important, necessitating the implementation of new methods in the software testing process. Objective. To investigate and summarize the role and effectiveness of artificial intelligence (AI) tools in web application testing within modern software development processes, and to determine their role in ensuring the reliability, security, and efficiency of web applications. Methodology. The study employs a review of internet publications and literature, as well as an analysis of existing artificial intelligence tools that can be applied in software testing. Scientific Novelty. The study underscores the necessity of employing artificial intelligence in software testing in response to the increasing demands for efficiency in software testing. It highlights the importance of training testers to utilize the latest tools in their work. Conclusions. The demands for efficiency in modern software development have become exceptionally high, making the use of only manual testing with classical approaches increasingly ineffective. The employment of test automation tools, along with the application of machine learning and artificial intelligence tools, is essential for enhancing the efficiency of testing processes and optimizing resources. Development and testing engineering teams require the implementation of the latest tools. Cloud technologies, DevOps tools, and artificial intelligence are transforming testing approaches. With the growing availability of AI tools, engineers can work more efficiently and ensure high testing effectiveness.
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