


self-healing, monitoring, automation, computer network, programming, script, redundancy


The article considers the creation of a system for Self-Healing of network performance during failures, describes the logical and physical communication scheme for creating a Self-Healing network, the algorithm of operation and the functional diagram of such a network, partially automates the process of communication with the Internet provider, and performs calculations to determine how long this system can speed up the process of resolving failures. The purpose of the work is to share best practices in automating network recovery after disasters, creating a self-healing network in certain areas, and highlighting the principles of Self-Healing. Research methodology. The ability of a given automatic monitoring system to be effective is tested by measuring and comparing a certain set of data. Measurement is a research method that determines the numerical value of a certain value using a unit of measurement of an object. Comparison is one of the most common methods of cognition, which allows to establish similarities and differences between objects [1]. The main role in such a system is played by a program written in Python, the Zabbix monitoring system, which monitors the status of Internet channels and launches the program in the event of an accident, as well as the ESP32CAM camera, which greatly simplifies the process of obtaining the status of the indication of the service provider's network equipment at the customer's switch-on points. SOPS and Age are used to securely store and use secrets. Scientific novelty. The article presents a new system for self-healing of the network in case of problems on the side of the service provider, and an example of automated interaction with the provider to solve typical problems is considered. Conclusions. The considered scheme of a computer network with an automatic monitoring system implements a faulttolerant self-healing network and is practically independent of the customer's equipment, capable of closing typical incidents with minimal involvement of an engineer. According to calculations, the duration of accidents at facilities can be reduced by a third.


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How to Cite

КЛИМЕНКО, О. (2024). CREATING A SELF-HEALING NETWORK. Information Technology and Society, (4 (15), 63-70.