
  • Volodymyr ZAROSYLO



public order, public security, protection, gendarmerie.


Today, the protection of public order and public safety in different countries involves primarily units of the National Police, but in most countries there are units called the National Guard, Gendarmerie, Internal Troops, etc. They perform military functions in most cases, but in peacetime they are used to protect public order and public safety and to combat crime. One such formation is the French gendarmerie. It should be noted that the emergence and development of the gendarmerie in France is quite unique, but it is still part of the French law enforcement system and works actively in the field of crime prevention and protection and protection of public order and public safety. The article briefly analyzes the history of the gendarmerie, its system today and the forms of training of gendarmes. These aspects can be useful for the system of organization of public order and public safety in Ukraine.


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How to Cite

ЗАРОСИЛО, В. (2022). FRENCH GENDARMERIE: ORIGIN, CURRENT STATE AND FORMS AND METHODS OF ACTIVITY. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Legal Sciences, (1 (59), 12-18.