national central bureau of interpol, crime prevention, international cooperation, law enforcement agenciesAbstract
This research highlights the legal aspects of the interaction of the law enforcement system of Ukraine with the International Criminal Police Organization. First of all, the urgency of the topic is motivated by the importance of cooperation in combating crime. The main goals of Interpol, formulated in the Charter of the organization, are defined, and the importance of Ukraine's accession to the organization is emphasized. Cooperation will be carried out through - National Central Bureaus, which by scientific definition are specific units in the structure of national law enforcement agencies as organizers and coordinators of international cooperation in the fight against crime and legal aid. The article states that the function of the Interpol NCB in the domestic system is performed by the National Police. A number of normative legal acts constituting the legal basis of the Interpol NCB are presented, in particular, the norms of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On Approval of the Regulation on the National Police" are analyzed. The problem of lag of legal regulation from transformations in the structure of domestic and international bodies, which is expressed in the long absence of an updated normative act on information cooperation, is highlighted separately. The article pays special attention to the main aspect of cooperation with the IOC - the exchange of operational information through high-tech systems in criminal proceedings. The goals of information exchange are defined, as well as the stages of its implementation, which are expressed in sending inquiries, analysis and providing answers using Interpol databases. The statistics of cooperation as of the end of 2020 are given, which testifies to the activity of national law enforcement agencies in the general process of combating criminogenic manifestations. Based on the study, a conclusion was made on the intensification of cooperation, for the purposes of which there is a need for research to analyze the current domestic and international legal framework and respond quickly to changes, improve mechanisms for interaction and coordination.
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