


law enforcement agencies, digitalization, digitalization, cybercrime, safe city, information system, crime investigation.


The article proves that the rapid development of society in Ukraine is currently underway, all spheres of life are being "digitized". At the same time, law enforcement agencies do not keep up with all the changes. Digital reality is associated with the emergence of new forms of crime – cybercrime, information fraud, a large number of cyber attacks on various businesses and institutions, including government databases. Such threats require the development of new forms of counteraction, transformation of the law enforcement system, their "modernization". Of course, the development of information technology, digitalization requires the consolidation of new forms and methods of law enforcement agencies to perform their functions. Regarding specific manifestations of digitalization of the law enforcement system, we identify the following: 1) The National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine, the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office and the Supreme Anti-Corruption Court have launched eCase MS; 2) approval of the Regulations on the information and telecommunication system of pre-trial investigation "iCase" in order to automate pre-trial investigation processes, including creation, collection, storage, search, processing and transfer of materials and information (information) in criminal proceedings, as well as processes that provide organizational , managerial, analytical, information and telecommunication and other needs of users; 3) use of the Safe City program by law enforcement agencies to detect and investigate crimes, timely response of fire, rescue, medical, road and other public and state services, termination and elimination of crises of criminogenic, terrorist, natural and man-made nature, etc.; 4) introduction of the Smart City project – a new generation information and analytical program that identifies potential dangers, real-time analysis of the situation and the transfer of already processed data on identified threats of terrorist, criminal and other nature.


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How to Cite

ТИМОШЕНКО, Ю. ., & КИСЛЕНКО, Д. . (2022). LAW ENFORCEMENT SYSTEM IN THE AGE OF DIGITALIZATION. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Legal Sciences, (1 (59), 40-45.