
  • Petro GUYVAN



civil term, legal fact, subjective law


This scientific work is devoted to the study of the topical issue of the legal nature of such a legal parameter as civil law terms in their relationship with legal facts – significant external phenomena in relation to subjective law, which entail the occurrence, change or termination of relevant substantive rights and obligations. languages. In the course of work on the article the author used general scientific and special scientific methods of cognition, in particular formal-legal, analysis and synthesis, system-structural, comparative-legal. As a result, the social relations that develop in the field of temporal regulation of subjective law during its existence in unity and interrelation are studied, as well as the dynamics of the development of legal science in the field under study. This allowed us to consider temporal factors as elements of subjective substantive law and legal relations in general and to determine their place in the system of regulatory mechanisms of civil law. For the first time in the paper the thesis is presented that civil terms are not legal facts that affect the content of relations, their development, which provides material dynamics. The author substantiates the ineffectiveness of the concept, according to which the time course (beginning or end of the term) determines the emergence, change or redemption of subjective rights, such an interpretation of legally significant consequences is in principle incorrect. The paper concludes that deadlines, their beginning or end can not be attributed to legal facts. Term, of course, is an important element of subjective law, the onset of a particular term is essential to determine its status, it forms the qualitative characteristics of subjective law. In other words, the civil term is not an external phenomenon in relation to law, a certain "impetus" in its development, but an immanent internal characteristic, necessarily inherent in law. That is, the term is not a cause but a consequence of the acquisition (change) of the parties to civil relations of a specific legal status.


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How to Cite

ГУЙВАН, П. (2022). PROBLEMATIC ISSUES REGARDING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE CONCEPTS OF TERM AND LEGAL FACT. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Legal Sciences, (1 (61), 24-30.