The article is dedicated to exposing "cyberspies" spies, state traitors, identifying collaborators, establishing persons who justify, deny or recognize the legitimate armed aggression, glorify its participants and bring them to criminal responsibility. Statistics show that in 2023, 57,093 crimes against national security were registered, including 37 for espionage, 712 for treason, 2,364 for collaboration, and 1,007 for justifying the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. On the one hand, this indicates the successful activity of law enforcement agencies and special services of Ukraine, and on the other hand, it indicates that there is an agent network that facilitates espionage activities, especially in cyberspace of Ukraine. Therefore, in relation to such persons, the special services carry out counter-intelligence and operative investigative measures aimed, first of all, at combating "cyber-espionage", covertly countering "cyber-crime", warning of "cyber-attacks" against state electronic information resources, information infrastructure; provides response to all incidents in the sphere of state security. According to Manzhai O. V. "...cyberspace is an information environment (space) that arises (exists) with the help of technical (computer) systems during the interaction of people with each other, the interaction of technical (computer) systems and the management of these people technical (computer) systems". Therefore, the special services must provide public and private protection of citizens, carry out counterintelligence measures in cyberspace using forms and methods of countering cyberespionage in cyberspace. Defining the role and place of counterintelligence activities in cyberspace is the subject of our research. Diorditsa I. V notes that "... the development and improvement of measures of criminal law protection of state secrets (secret information) involves a thorough study and improvement of the disposition of the relevant norms of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, in particular espionage, and the introduction of such a new legal category into it as " cyberespionage". At the same time, important aspects are the consideration of modern social and political changes in the legislative regulation of the circulation of secret information, the maximum specification and unification of the conceptual and categorical apparatus used in the disposition of the norm, as well as the observance of established principles of legislative technique and the use of existing foreign practice, norms and doctrines ". The term "cyberspace" has become synonymous with the concept of "computer virtual reality." If we consider "cyberspace" as an abbreviation of the phrase "cybernetic space", then cyberspace is a space (territory) that is created and works on the basis of the principles and methods of cybernetics (the science of the general laws of receiving, storing, transmitting and processing secret information). Research problems of "cyberespionage", "cybernetic security", "cyberspace", "cybersphere", "cybercrime", "cyberwar". "cyber defense", such scientists as I.V. Aristova, I.V. Diorditsa V.A., Lipkana, Manzhai O.V., D.S. Minin, I.V. Sopilko, M.M. Chekhovska, V.S. Tsymbalyuk, V.M. Shlapachenko. The purpose of the article is to carry out an etymological analysis of the concept of "cyber espionage". On the basis of this, specific ways of improving counteraction to "cyber espionage" using modern forms and methods of counterintelligence activities by the Security Service of Ukraine are proposed.
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