


interest, legal interest, private interest, public interest, need, benefit, subjective right, civil law protection of interest


The article is devoted to the disclosure based on the study of scientific literature and on the basis of the generalization of scientific views of the concept and legal nature of interest in the civil law of Ukraine. The interpretation of the civil law category "public interest" in legal science was analyzed and it was concluded that the public interest should be understood as a certain need of the social community, recognized by the state and guaranteed by law, which has found its legislative consolidation in acts of public law legislation in the form relevant imperative prescriptions aimed at ensuring stable social, economic and political life of the state. The multifaceted nature of the public interest as an object of civil law protection is objectively determined and stems from the need to create conditions to ensure the security, stability and progressive development of both the state and society as a whole, as well as civil circulation, in particular, from the provision of private and public interests in legal sphere Public interest is derived from social interest and is aimed at meeting the needs of the entire population or its significant social formations (for example, a territorial community). A need that is an object of public interest has the highest social value, as a result of which such a need and, accordingly, the public interest derived from it are enshrined in objective law and are subject to legal protection. The development of civil law and the expansion of civil law means of protection of public interests in civil legislation led to the fact that today the subjects of civil law relations can ensure their private interests only within certain social restrictions, which are manifested by prohibiting or limiting certain types of their actions (inaction), placing active duties on them, as well as eliminating the consequences of antisocial behavior of participants in civil-law relations by means of civil-law protection and liability.


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How to Cite

МАРУСЯК, Л. (2023). CIVIL-LEGAL PROTECTION OF PUBLIC INTERESTS. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Legal Sciences, (4(67), 25-31.