e-government, e-services, information technology, public administration, internet, portals, online services, data security, citizens, reformAbstract
The article examines the issues of development and implementation of e-government in Ukraine, and also highlights the main goals, ways of implementation, and problematic issues. The main stages of the formation of e-government since 2011 have been analyzed, among which five main ones have been singled out. Attention is focused on the progressive development of electronic governance and it is noted that at the current stage of the state's development, most of the specified stages have been passed, however, it is still necessary to pay attention to certain aspects that reduce the effectiveness of the use of electronic governance. Among the key problems inhibiting the implementation of e-government in general and the spread of electronic services in Ukraine, the following factors are particularly highlighted: insufficient provision of the population with gadgets, weak Internet coverage of certain territories, fraud on the network, low level of possession of digital skills among the population6, in particular with regard to phrasal groups. Suggestions for overcoming these obstacles have been formulated, in particular through the use of such tools: the spread of computer literacy among various population groups, the involvement of mass media in information campaigns, the computerization of educational institutions, etc. Prospects for further research are outlined, which consist in a comprehensive analysis of problems and obstacles in the implementation of e-government in Ukraine, the development of recommendations for improving existing electronic services in Ukraine, and studying ways to overcome cybercrime and protect personal data.
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