
  • Yu. P. Lisovska


The mechanisms of implementation of the counterintelligence system are considered in which the legal protection of confidential information is determined by the level of democracy in society, adherence to international standards of human rights and fundamental freedoms. It is envisaged that on the basis of system analysis, the activities of the counterintelligence system for the protection of information resources in the future provide a guarantee of their conservation from the capture of any enemy. It is proved that the counter-intelligence system serves as a phenomenal basis for the transition to a fundamentally new, effective legal protection of Ukraine’s interests. The need and the necessity of the chosen theme is determined by the formation of independent (autonomous) structural organizations, units and relevant services (managing centers, departments, sectors, etc.) on the legal basis of the structural and functional methodology. It provides new legal mechanisms for management and planning as a quality of effective forecasting and preventive response to changes in social circumstances at the level of individuals, states and societies, as well as the implementation of new tasks through the intellectual redistribution of existing legal forces. Accordingly, counter-intelligence activities include: qualitative formation of organizational-staff structures in the legal field of personnel on the basis of analysis of the real situation; retraining of workers; carrying out a complex of measures for psychological adjustment and adaptation of personnel to new realities and conditions of workability; revision and alignment with modern legal requirements, forms and methods of attestation of employees. It is substantiated that it is the competent approach of counterintelligence, its forms and means of its activity, which are fixed by the decisions of the management, which in general is effective as a reliable legal protection, which creates the legal basis.


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How to Cite

Лісовська, Ю. П. (2018). CONCEPTUAL MODEL OF COUNTERINTELLIGENCE ACTIVITY IN SOLVING LEGAL INTERESTS OF UKRAINE. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Legal Sciences, (1 (55), 26-33. Retrieved from

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