


educational process, digital technologies, competences, future teachers, students, higher education institutions, preschool education.


The article examines the impact of digitalisation on the training of applicants for the speciality «Preschool Education». The main digital tools used in the learning process and their impact on the formation of professional competencies of future educators are considered. The advantages and challenges associated with the integration of digital technologies into the educational process are analysed, and the prospects for their use to ensure quality training of specialists in the field of preschool education are outlined. The purpose of the study is to analyse the impact of digitalisation on the training of applicants for the speciality ‘Preschool Education’, to identify key aspects of digital technologies and to outline their role in shaping new approaches to the professional activities of future specialists. The research methodology is based on general scientific methods, such as analysis, systematisation and generalisation, which were used to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the impact of digitalisation on the training of students majoring in Preschool Education. The scientific novelty of the study lies in a comprehensive theoretical analysis of the development of modern digital technologies in the system of training of pedagogical personnel for preschool education, which is important for the development of the theory of pedagogy and for practical activities in the field of preschool education. Conclusions and Prospects for Further Research. Digitalisation significantly changes the process of training applicants for the speciality ‘Preschool Education’, opening up new opportunities for the development of professional competencies and improving the quality of the educational process. The integration of digital technologies contributes to the creation of a more effective, individualised and interactive educational environment. However, in order to fully realise the potential of digitalisation, it is necessary to overcome a number of challenges, such as ensuring the technological base and improving the digital literacy of teachers. We see prospects for further research in studying the impact of interactive platforms on the development of professional competences of future teachers.


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