students, electrical engineering specialities, future specialists, educational process, test technologies, competences, telecommunications.Abstract
The article highlights the issues of using test technologies in the formation of professional competences of future telecommunications specialists and specialists in electrical engineering. It is noted that test technologies play a key role in the training of future specialists, contributing to the assessment of the level of knowledge acquisition and the formation of professional competencies. In order to determine which test technologies and platforms are used by teachers in the educational process and whether they form the professional competencies of future telecommunications specialists and electrical engineering specialists, the authors conducted a survey. The purpose of the study is to analyse the role of testing technologies in the learning process of students of the Kyiv Professional College of Communications and the Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. The research methodology is based on general scientific methods, such as analysis, systematisation and generalisation, which were used to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the use of test technologies in the training of specialists in electrical and telecommunications specialities and empirical methods such as testing and surveys. The scientific novelty of the study is to define and substantiate the role of test technologies as a tool for the effective formation of professional competencies of future telecommunications and electrical engineering specialists Conclusions and prospects for further research. In the course of the study, the authors analysed the role of test technologies in the training of future telecommunications specialists and specialists in electrical engineering. It has been established that test technologies are a powerful tool for the formation of professional competences of future specialists. They allow to increase the efficiency of the educational process, provide an objective assessment of students' knowledge and contribute to their successful professional development.
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