foreign language communicative competence, European Union, multilingualism, foreign languages, educational process, students.Abstract
In the article, the authors analyse the concept of «foreign language communicative competence» and study approaches to teaching foreign languages in the EU countries. It is noted that multilingualism is one of the core values of the European Union, which promotes integration, cultural enrichment and professional development. The conditions of globalisation and international cooperation place high demands on the level of foreign language communicative competence (FLC) of EU citizens. Learning foreign languages is gaining strategic importance, especially in the context of educational reforms and the need to adapt to rapidly changing professional standards. The relevance of the study is to analyse the implementation of foreign language communicative competence in the EU countries, as well as to identify methods and approaches used to improve foreign language teaching in different national education systems. The purpose of the study is to analyse the concept of «foreign language communicative competence» and to investigate the approaches to foreign language teaching used in the EU countries. The research methodology of the study is based on general scientific methods – analysis, synthesis, systematisation, generalisation, used for a comprehensive retrospective and prospective analysis of the stages of the development of the idea of foreign language education; comparative and analytical method – to determine the theoretical and methodological foundations of the study and comparative analysis of archival sources, scientific and pedagogical literature on the subject. The scientific novelty of the study is to provide a holistic view of the various approaches to foreign language teaching in the EU countries, which were previously considered in a fragmentary manner. Conclusions of the study. The analysis of the process of acquiring foreign language communicative competence in the European Union shows a significant emphasis on innovative teaching methods and the use of multilingualism as the basis of educational policy. The European language policy is aimed at developing practical language skills for the integration of citizens into the economic, social and cultural environment.
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