
  • Nataliia BAZYLIAK



educational policy, humanitarian sphere, formation, countries, implementation, cooperation, strategy, development, European Union.


The article finds that humanitarian programs that support the development of education and training systems in EU member states at all stages of education and training, according to the idea in the European Union, promote lifelong learning. This position stems from an understanding of the need for lifelong learning in a changing world, and the EU Council has recognized that education and training are of paramount importance for economic and social change. Creating more and better jobs depends on all citizens acquiring key competencies and improving their skills. Lifelong learning supports creativity and innovation and enables full participation in economic and socia l life. It has been proven that the European Union’s policy on the promotion of lifelong learning is consistent with the need to preserve the EU’s multiculturalism, which is an important element of a common identity. The powers of the European Union determine the goals, framework and directions of educational policy, shape its national policy in the field of education and take appropriate measures. The European Union shall promote the development of quality education by encouraging cooperation and, where necessary, supporting and complementing the organization of education systems and their cultural and linguistic diversity. The European Union has been found to promote lifelong learning and learning systems that are more responsive to change and more open to the outside world. Necessary adaptation measures include the development of a qualifications system based on learning outcomes related to the European Qualifications System, the creation of more flexible educational pathways for a more effective transition to other sectors of education. Different systems of education, training and education create greater openness to non-formal learning and increase transparency and recognition of learning outcomes. It is suggested that efforts are needed today to promote adult learning, improve the quality of guidance systems and make learning more attractive, including through the development of new forms of learning and the use of new teaching and learning methods. The European Union seeks to ensure that all citizens, regardless of their personal or socio-economic background, have the opportunity to acquire, renew and develop lifelong skills and key competences that enhance their employability.


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How to Cite

БАЗИЛЯК, Н. (2022). FORMATION OF HUMANITARIAN POLICY IN THE EDUCATIONAL SPHERE IN EUROPEAN UNION REGARDING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF CONTINUOUS TRAINING PROGRAMS DURING. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (1(61), 7-11.