
  • Nataliia FILIPOVA



partnership, communications, public, civil society institutions, public management entities.


The issue of reducing the impact of endogenous and exogenous threats by improving public management interaction is being raised. The need to form a new paradigm of interaction between public management entities is noted. It is emphasized that: the issue of public- management interaction is almost not covered in the scientific literature; there are debatable points in the process of constructing a theoretical contour of interaction in the system of public management. Modern approaches to understanding the concept of “interaction” are characterized. It is noted that the interaction should be considered as a new qualitative and effective level of relations. It is emphasized that for the further development of civil society a mandatory requirement for public management interaction is the participation of all subjects of public management (public authorities, local governments, civil society institutions, etc.). The classification of types of interaction in the context of the public management approach is given. The key features of interaction that are present in almost all definitions of this concept are highlighted. Difficulties that hinder adaptation to external changes in the process of public management are highlighted: in Ukraine there are threats and risks of state formation; the instability of the external environment is not clearly defined in time; slowing down the implementation of reforms; inconsistency in the interaction of elements of the structure of public management, etc. This issue is exacerbated by the critical situation of interaction between public authorities and the public in some areas. Therefore, the system of public management requires the use of the potential of interaction based on the use of directed coordination influence. It is pointed out that the inefficiency of the reform processes is not associated with the instability of forms of communication between the authorities and the public. The question of improving the efficiency of public management by optimizing the forms of communication interaction is raised. It was emphasized that civil society institutions should intensify their efforts to establish effective cooperation not only with central government or local self-government, but also with each other. It is stated that the state policy is a kind of reaction to the needs of civil society, so it must be formed on the basis of effective interaction between government agencies and civil society.


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How to Cite

МИХАЙЛОВСЬКА, О., & ФІЛІПОВА, Н. (2022). THEORETICAL CONTOUR OF PUBLIC-MANAGEMENT INTERACTION. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (1(61), 31-36.