
  • Mariia OREL




competencies, soft skills, hard skills, formation of soft skills, critical thinking, assessment center, key competencies of candidates.


The purpose of the research. The article analyzes the competencies of candidates in the conditions of COVID-19 in terms of updating and evaluation by employers. Methodology. The study was based on a comprehensive analysis of key competencies. The list of competencies identified in the educational process was used and analyzed using a comparative method, and compared with the skills and competencies that employers believe should be present in candidates and monitored by assessment centers. A number of scientific papers on this topic were analyzed using content analysis, system, comparative and abstract-logical methods. Scientific novelty. The main competencies, according to employers are: innovation and analytical thinking; online cooperation, use of technologies; active learning and learning strategies; critical thinking and analysis; creativity, originality, initiative. Therefore, some employers create so-called assessment centers, assessment centers for assessing the competencies of candidates. Conclusions. In the process of achieving the objectives of the article, the current competencies of candidates in terms of updating and evaluation by employers were analyzed and the implementation of the educational process from the standpoint of review in the conditions of COVID-19. The main competencies, according to employers are: innovation and analytical thinking; online cooperation, use of technologies; active learning and learning strategies; critical thinking and analysis; creativity, originality, initiative. Therefore, some employers create socalled assessment centers, assessment centers for assessing the competencies of candidates. The main purpose of which is to assess candidates for approved competencies or criteria defined by the company’s mission. Intensification of technology implementation will mean that the required skills in different workplaces will change in the near future. Critical thinking and problem solving top the list of skills that employers say will become more popular over the next five years. Recently, self-management skills such as active learning, resilience, resilience and flexibility have emerged. It can be said that about 40 % of workers will need retraining in six months or less. Half of us will need to retrain over the next five years as the economic consequences of the pandemic “double” and the number of automated jobs increases. The following best competencies were identified: analytical thinking; active learning and learning strategies; comprehensive problem solving; critical thinking and analysis; creativity; originality, initiative; leadership and social influence; use of technology, monitoring and control; technology design and programming; resilience, stress management, flexibility; argumentation, formation of ideas. Thus, it can be concluded that critical thinking and problem solving top the list of “best” skills that employers believe will become more popular over the next five years. Also, new self-management skills have emerged, such as active learning, resilience, resilience and flexibility, so employees will need to constantly retrain.


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How to Cite

ОРЕЛ, М. (2022). UPDATING AND ASSESSING THE COMPETENCIES OF CANDIDATES IN COVID-19: THE VISION OF EMPLOYERS. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (1(61), 37-44. https://doi.org/10.32689/2523-4625-2022-1(61)-6