



hybrid war, Russian invasion of Ukraine, politics.


The article examines the political situation of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, which began on February 24, 2022, and comprehensively analyzes the state and consequences of the country’s economic and political situation in the two months “before” and “after” its beginning. In his scientific work, the author focuses on the use of such a concept as “hybrid war”. One example of which is Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, the specifics of the occupation policy, which is part of a full-scale invasion to further escalate the conflict. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to review existing research in Russian-Ukrainian relations since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine and to outline prospects for further research on this issue. The author came to the conclusion that one of the main components of the hybrid war is the misinformation of the population about the state of affairs in the country. That is, it is the submission of unverified information that poses a threat, especially in economic, political, social and psychological terms, which can lead to “total war”. In his scientific work, the author describes the state and consequences of two months of full-scale Russian invasion, because, as it turned out, the main goal of the aggressor was the genocide of Ukrainians. The political problems of the two countries reached the international level in early 2014, and today the whole progressive world is not only widely discussing the situation in Ukraine, but also helping with weapons and humanitarian aid. External support is critical for Ukraine. Particularly active financial, economic, military and political-diplomatic support was provided by almost 40 countries, including the United States, Great Britain, Germany, Japan, Canada, Poland, the EU and others. They also fully support the territorial integrity, freedom and independence of our state and the Ukrainian people. A very important factor is that democracies have imposed tough sanctions on Russia and recognized it as an “aggressor country”, as it has repeatedly violated fundamental principles of world order. Russia’s aggressive policy has recently used intimidation methods, but the aggressor country has not noticed how it has driven itself into a dead end. Today’s situation is extremely difficult, however, we are convinced that it is necessary to analyze it from the other side and attract even more support from foreign countries. We believe that in this regard, the government needs to develop new policy programs that will help other countries to shape the stabilization process.


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How to Cite

ЦУРКАНОВА, І. (2022). COMPLEX POLITICAL ANALYSIS OF RUSSIA’S INVASION IN UKRAINE. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (1(61), 113-120.