
  • Oleg BILYK




monitoring in the field of education, quality management of an educational institution, monitoring information technology, automated monitoring system (AMS), principles of TQM ideology.


The article considers the models of the automated monitoring system in the field of education, which is based on a modern approach to the assessment of the quality of education and takes into account all aspects of educational monitoring. The urgency of the work is due to the need to develop information technology for monitoring the quality of an educational institution and an automated system that implements this technology. The purpose of the study is to increase the efficiency of the management of the educational institution by developing information technology for monitoring the quality of the institution, based on the ideology of total quality management (TQM) and creating an automated monitoring system (AMS) that implements this technology. General approaches to the creation of information technology for monitoring the quality of education are based on the principles of TQM ideology. The apparatus of abstract algebra is used to describe models of information technology processes of the quality of education. The apparatus of automata theory is used to describe the structural and functional models of AFM. The apparatus of the theory of scales and mathematical statistics is used to describe and study AFM subsystems. The paper proposes qualitative models of the educational institution, which are based on the basic principles of the ideology of total quality management, provide a comprehensive and detailed description of aspects of the quality of education; models of monitoring data, which take into account the peculiarities of various types of monitoring and ensure effective organization of subsystems of data processing, storage and visualization; models of the automated system for monitoring the quality of education and its subsystems, which are the basis for the creation of computer systems that provide a more advanced level of quality management of an educational institution.


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How to Cite

БІЛИК, О. (2022). QUALITATIVE MONITORING MODELS QUALITIES OF EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (2(62), 22-27. https://doi.org/10.32689/2523-4625-2022-2(62)-3