information technologies, state policy, human capital, communication, socio-economic development, formation, implementation.Abstract
The article defines that modern society is based on the production and consumption of information goods and services, its productive basis is high-tech means of production, the service sector acquires a significant specific weight. Today, the level of interaction of communication is increasing, the degree of virtualization of industrial social relations, as a result of which prerequisites are created for the involvement of broad masses of the population in decision-making processes. The sphere of direct communication between people is expanding to a global scale, the colossal level of technical capabilities determines a high degree of responsibility for the decisions made. In the organization of the economy, the center of gravity is transferred from vertically formed hierarchical structures to horizontal network connections. The fact that the civil society of the future differs in complexity not only due to the multifaceted nature of its content, but also due to the difference in scientific and methodological approaches, cultural and historical features, socio-economic views, actions and principles has been studied. Today, it is possible to study the phenomena of the information society with the help of traditional tools of analysis within the framework of the neoclassical approach dominant in modern science. There is also a need to distinguish independent directions in the context of studying socio-economic development. Special attention is paid to the problem of industrialization of creative work, including the sphere of services, as well as the problem of preserving individual human freedom in the world of technologies that determine the lives of citizens. Prospects for the development of information and communication technologies largely depend on the effectiveness of their implementation. Informatization trends, prospects and effectiveness of their implementation, as well as the impact of communication on the economic, social and environmental spheres are important. However, not all innovations are successful, especially in transition economies, where market uncertainty is high, and lack of knowledge and financial resources are limiting factors. Issues of the state policy of innovative activity and methods of evaluating its results are on the agenda. Special attention should be paid to the development of information, assessment of intellectual capital, consideration of the issue of investing in it. Such innovations as digital goods and digital markets are also relevant in the analysis of public policy of communication services. In the information network society, the value system of citizens, their social environment is changing, the very essence of information culture is being transformed, and its new parameters are emerging. However, the success of reforms largely depends on the human factor, one of the most tangible factors causing transformations is information asymmetry. Predicted scenarios of the future are the basis for the formation of activities, because the contours of the future that are being formed are very multidimensional, as well as the study of the current circumstances in which a person has to live.
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