
  • Vladyslav MOGYL



European Union, European integration of Ukraine, EU candidate, modernization, developed democratic state.


In the proposed article, it is investigated that European integration and membership in the European Union is a strategic goal of Ukraine, because it is the best way to realize the national interests of building an economic and democratic state, strengthening the position in the world system of international relations. The author proved that for Ukraine, European integration is a way to modernize the economy, overcome technological decline, receive foreign investments and new technologies, create new jobs, increase the competitiveness of the domestic producer, enter the EU market, as well as the world market. The author determined that on the way to European integration, Ukraine should carry out a series of reforms and adapt Ukrainian legislation to European criteria. The author found out that at the end of 2022, the European Commission will prepare a conclusion on how effectively Ukraine coped with the task. The author notes that when the commission is satisfied with the fulfillment of the conditions, it will recommend negotiations on accession, and all 27 EU member states must agree to this. The author emphasized that this is when a difficult task for our country will begin. Ukraine, like all other candidates, will have to adopt the entire set of EU rules – that is, all laws and standards. The author noticed that our country is now in a very difficult situation, in which the political, moral and material support of such a powerful association as the European Union is very important precisely for the continuation of the struggle for its European choice, for its democratic values and freedoms, which is related to the reconstruction and development of the economy of Ukraine after the end of the full-scale war with the Russian Federation. The author emphasized that obtaining the status of a candidate for membership in the European Union opens up prospects for Ukraine to receive additional funds and is an incentive for carrying out the necessary reforms that have long been on the agenda of our society. The author emphasizes that such a decision of the EU is also a sign of political and moral support of the Ukrainian people, who during the revolution defended their rights, including the choice of a European future, and continue to do so during the military aggression of the Russian Federation.


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How to Cite

МОГИЛЬ, В. (2023). EUROPEAN INTEGRATION AS A PROSPECTIVE DIRECTION FOR THE MODERNIZATION OF UKRAINE. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (3(63), 78-82.