
  • Vasil KOZMA




historical politics, aggression, war, xenophobia, chauvinism


In the conditions of war, in addition to direct hostilities, there are problems that require deep theoretical understanding, and most importantly, practical consideration. This also applies to the issues investigated in this publication - the peculiarities of the historical politics of modern Russia and its influence on the formation of the public opinion of ordinary Russians. History in the service of politics is not a new phenomenon. At all times, they try to rewrite and revise it, especially in periods of global upheavals and social changes. Collective ideas about the past are changing even in our time, but today historical problems of the past, distortion of the historical context and discrediting of real historical facts are used by the aggressor country as a weapon that poses a real threat to the national security of Ukraine. The article also examines the essence and nature of the Russian Federation state entity, its specific features and differences from similar state entities in the past. Russian historical mythologies used by the Putin regime to justify military aggression against Ukraine are analyzed. An attempt was made to understand the nature of Russian chauvinism and expansionism. It is noted that mythologizing, falsification and distortion of history, especially recently, have turned academic science into a tool for achieving the Kremlin's political goals. Therefore, the author asks himself the question: what influence do such tools have on the growing level of xenophobia and chauvinism among Russians, and what is meant by the often used terms about the "mysteriousness of the Russian soul", "exceptionalism, uniqueness and special mission of Russia in the world"? In this context, the author analyzes Russian narratives regarding the occupied Ukrainian territories, in particular the "historical justification" of such actions regarding the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.


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How to Cite

КОЗЬМА, В. (2023). HISTORICAL POLITICS AS A WEAPON OF RUSSIAN AGGRESSION (on the example of occupied Crimea). Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (4(64), 35-42. https://doi.org/10.32689/2523-4625-2022-4(64)-5