
  • Volodymyr LIPKAN



geostrategy, de-infrastructurization, infrastructure cynicism, desacralization, de-sovereignty, Ukrainianness, strategic culture, strategic elite of the nation, geostrategic landscape, infrastructure war, rare-earth metals


The actualization of the political regime of murderers, the use of political institutions to destroy both their own and other nations, the imposition of the ideology of Nazism – unfortunately, all these are not political futurology, but the manifestations of helplessness of existing political institutions, which allowed such manifestations in the 21st century, when an epic and bloody war is taking place in the heart of Europe. The unpreparedness of Europeans for this war is explained by the fact that, within the framework of European political systems, war as an extension of politics by other means has not been considered a real tool of political relations for a long time. Thus, few believed in the ability and political aptitude of Putin’s regime to implement this insane, aggressive and deadly policy of war against Ukraine. However, from the standpoint of political analytics, namely, political analysis, analysis of strategies for the development of political relations and political institutions within Russian society, including numerous political murders within RF, made it possible to accumulate undeniable evidence, formulate indicators, identify those factors that were noticeable since 1991 – and on August 8, 2008 – and took on a new aggressive manifestation in 2014. Consequently, without receiving a proper reaction of international political institutions, they expressed themselves in a barbaric and destructive manifestation on February 24, 2022. One of the many reasons for the lack of preparedness to prevent the war timely was the failure to apply the results of strategic thinking, unwillingness to analyze from the standpoint of science those factors, causes, conditions, and other determinants which affected the geostrategic landscape and shaped a sufficiently coherent picture of the reality of the Putin regime’s aggressive war against an independent and sovereign state, the war on the destruction of universal common and solidarity values, the implementation of unpredictable state policy. Such criminal and terrorist regimes are not only played up and supported by public opinion leaders, political scientists and politicians but also, unfortunately, academics. Therefore, a detailed analysis of the scientific contributions of Russian authors makes it possible to clearly identify the erosion of morality both of the Putin regime and the content and essence of the worldview of the so-called “academic intelligentsia”, and of Russian society as a whole. This war is not only a war of the Putin regime. This is the war of Russian society and Russian mentality, the war of the Russian world, led by the Putin regime. This is a principled position. Based on the author’s concept of geostrategy, the factors affecting the geostrategic landscape are analyzed, and as a result, they form roadmaps for elaborating a modern and effective and productive geostrategic strategy of the modern Ukrainian state. The article provides additional argumentation for the extension and articulation of the author’s idea of a clear distinction between geopolitics and geostrategy. The author considers the factors of geostrategy integration, the introduction of artificial intelligence, metaworld technologies and NFT in the assessments of the probability of implementing strategic decisions, the levels and scale of the dynamics of the existence horizons some phenomena; taking into account strategic national values. Special emphasis is placed on such a factor as infrastructure war; following political linguistics, political neologisms have been introduced into the scientific use: deinfrastructurization, infrastructure cynicism, infrastructure de-sovereignty. Manifestation forms are presented together with practical examples. The problems of rare-earth metals are highlighted; the reasons for the permanent desire to liquidate the Ukrainian state are substantiated, and an appropriate set of measures is proposed for the formation of a strong and intelligent state, strategic architecture and strategic thinking.


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How to Cite

ЛІПКАН, В. (2023). GEOSTRATEGY OF THE MODERN UKRAINIAN STATE: IMPACT FACTORS. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (4(64), 70-84.