public administration, public-private partnership, concession, project, social projectsAbstract
The article summarizes the peculiarities of the implementation of mechanisms of public-private partnership in the sphere of health care of Ukraine. The author emphasized that the mechanisms of implementation of publicprivate partnership in health care have proven their effectiveness in many countries of the world. In particular, the most common form of such cooperation is a concession agreement. It is substantiated that the main task of partnership in any field is to combine the potential, resources and skills of partners to achieve the best financial and material results with maximum mutual benefit from such cooperation. It has been proven that public-private partnership is a mutually beneficial and equal cooperation of the state with private legal entities or individuals in the implementation of socially significant projects, which are implemented through the conclusion and execution of contracts, including concession contracts. It was concluded that the public-private alliance can become a key component of the functioning of the health care system in Ukraine, one of the systemic mechanisms for reforming the national health care system and the result of effective integration of public and private resources.
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