
  • Agazade YUSIF



state administration, institutions of civil society, forms of interaction between the state and institutions of civil society, cooperation, competition, conflict


The article analyzes the specifics of the transformation of the relationship between the state and civil society as a basis for the modernization of public administration. The author states that the issue of interaction between the state and civil society is not only extremely relevant in the modern world, but also extremely complex. Impressed by the powerful development of democratic processes, many specialists with a large dose of euphoria claim that today civil society is "defeating" the state, but the number of those who believe that the state should not lose its control over society is not decreasing. The author states that the interaction of the state and society involves the following main forms: cooperation, competition, conflict. Cooperation is cooperation. In the interaction of the state and society, such cooperation in an "ideal" form does not really exist. Especially if we are talking about states in a transitional (radically) state that are being transformed; competition is a certain struggle for values, interests, property, prestige, etc. Of course, the rivalry between the state and society actually always takes place; conflict can be both hidden and open, but the fact that it is not beneficial to the state or society is a fact. Most often, such conflicts arise on the basis of different assessments and attitudes towards the authorities, acute social problems. In any case, it is always a conflict of interests and values before both subjects of the conflict, the task is to ensure the most profitable way out (permission) from the conflict, first of all for the person and society. The article substantiates that against the background of various interpretations of the "civil society" phenomenon, the most valuable was and remains its interpretation as a specific social space where free, equal and, at the same time, independent individuals act and interact. From this "sprouts" the need of all countries to first of all ensure the rights and freedoms of people, to provide them with maximum guarantees for all their life activities.


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How to Cite

ЮСІФ, А. (2023). THE SPECIFICS OF THE TRANSFORMATION OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE STATE AND CIVIL SOCIETY AS A BASIS FOR THE MODERNIZATION OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (1(67), 85-93.