expansionism, geopolitical confrontation, globalization, global development, sphere of influenceAbstract
The transformation of the modern world order is inextricably linked to the theory of geopolitical expansion. Considering the confrontation of world states as the desire of some to dominate over the territories of others, which is fundamental for understanding their international policy and forecasting international relations in a certain region or in the world, in the 21st century the theory of expansionism expands its interpretation and is based on the desire to expand not only living space, but also informational and economic domination over other states, the analysis of which determines the purpose of this study. The analysis of the transformation of the concepts of geopolitical expansion was carried out with the help of a systematic analysis, a hypothetical-deductive method and a historical approach, which contributed to the holistic reflection of expansionism through the prism of the interrelationship of the territorial-spatial and informationaleconomic influence of states on each other, the historical dynamics of conceptual changes and the identification of common features development of expansionism in the 21st century. The study of the transformation of the concepts of geopolitical expansion makes it possible to characterize new theoretical approaches for determining the features of geopolitical confrontation in the conditions of globalization and informatization, to single out new forms of geopolitical expansion in the 21st century and identify new trends towards geopolitical dominance in the modern world. The analysis of modern expansionist policy confirmed the thesis that in the conditions of modern globalization processes, expansionism goes beyond a purely geopolitical interpretation as a struggle to increase living space and combines informational, ideological, cultural and economic components. The increase in the importance of information and economic influence on regions and states leads to integration and assimilation processes of a new type, which do not deny the very idea of expansion, but transform it in accordance with modern trends.
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