


displaced persons, internally displaced persons, state support, volunteering, adaptation, social assistance


The article examines the main prerequisites for the emergence of such a social phenomenon as «internally displaced person». It was emphasized that the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine forced many Ukrainians to change their social status and practically start life from the beginning: to look for housing and doctors, kindergartens and schools for children, and most importantly – the opportunity to work to support their family in an extremely difficult situation without waiting for help from state or from someone else. The main groups of problems of internally displaced persons are systematized: material support, employment and solving housing problems. The main ways of solving the specified problems were considered with the help of, first, establishing the accounting and registration (re-registration) of displaced persons; secondly, the creation of clear instructions for obtaining all types of appropriate assistance, the formation of a «single window» for their registration; thirdly, promoting and stimulating the provision of quality medical services at the first need, especially to persons who need special medical care; fourth, develop and implement a single job search portal for displaced persons with relevant vacancies and benefits; fifth, settlement of the issue of volunteer assistance (especially in the new legislative conditions); sixth, stimulating and strengthening diverse social support for different segments of the population with different needs and interests. Attention is focused on the need to overcome the problems of displaced persons, which depends not only on state and volunteer assistance and support, but also on creating conditions for self-help, showing one's own activity to rebuild one's life. It has been proven that the specified problems occur against the background of a lack of necessary information for displaced persons regarding opportunities to receive assistance, contact state authorities, resolve household issues, establish new social contacts, etc.


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How to Cite

АНДРІЯШ, В., ГРОМАДСЬКА, Н., & МАЛІКІНА, О. (2023). MAIN PROBLEMS OF INTERNALLY DISPLACED PERSONS IN UKRAINE. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (4(70), 5-12.