


mechanisms of public management, mechanisms of public management of higher education, public management of higher education, public management and administration of higher education, classification of mechanisms of public management, classification of mechanisms of state management.


The article examines the issue of conceptual and structural components of public management of higher education. As a result of the research, we identified objects, subjects, goals, tasks, principles and functions of public management of higher education. Based on the results of the study of the conceptual and categorical apparatus, the author’s vision of the interpretation of the essence of the concept of “public management of higher education” was formed and the key aspects of the system of public management of higher education were highlighted, which makes it possible to more clearly understand the relationships between its components, which ensure the achievement of effective results in the functioning of the sphere higher education and achieving high quality educational services. It was established that the objects of public administration of higher education have all components, namely political, economic, socio-economic, cultural, etc., which are inseparable parts of the sphere of higher education. Subjects of public management of higher education are state authorities, local self-government bodies, civil society and non-governmental organizations. The subject of public management of higher education is all processes that are manifested as a result of the educational activity of higher education institutions. The identified principles of public management of higher education will contribute to the formation and implementation of mechanisms of managerial influence in order to obtain the desired results, namely the quality of higher education in a strategic perspective. It was determined that the essence of public management of higher education is established through the implementation of its functions. Since the public management of higher education includes the state management of this sphere, the functions of the latter were considered in order to determine the corresponding impact on society. The subject of further research should be the characterization of the current state of implementation of the mechanisms of public management of higher education in modern conditions, the development of key parameters with the help of which the effectiveness of the mechanisms of public management of higher education can be assessed.


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How to Cite

П’ЯТНИЧУК, І. (2023). CONCEPTUAL AND STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS OF PUBLIC MANAGEMENT OF HIGHER EDUCATION. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (5(71), 74-80.