Conditions of formation and development of civil society in modern Ukraine.
The political and institutional climate is of particular importance for the development of civil society. It creates specific conditions and contributes to the development of rules that affect the efficiency, effectiveness of the functioning of the civil sector. The institutional and legal conditions for the formation and development of civil society in modern Ukraine are examined in the article. It is argued that there is a wide base of regulatory documents that contribute to the effective implementation of the concept of development of the civil sector. Next to this, the process of developing tools and practices of cooperation in this area, the adaptation of legislation to European standards, and the fulfillment of specific obligations continues. Positive aspects of the activities of civil society organizations and barriers that slow down the effectiveness of their development are highlighted. It is stated that despite the instability of indicators, civil society remains the strongest element of the democratic transition of modern Ukraine and continues to play a crucial role as a driving force for reforms aimed at building a functional democracy and the rule of law. The normative base of the functioning of civil society created during the years of independence and improved in accordance with the European integration re53 quirements allows us to confirm the existence of institutional conditions for its development. At the same time, the barriers to the effective functioning of civil society organizations remain the mechanical implementation of all norms, procedural requirements, high indicators of inconsistency with other normative documents, the presence of substantial contradictions and insufficient level of trust in the normative and legal bases that are laid down in the previous period. Positive aspects of the activities of civil society organizations at the current stage of Ukraine’s development are: expanding opportunities for participation in the development or lobbying of bills, mediated influence on the lawmaking process through both natural actions and strengthening of systemic pressure by representatives of civil society in parliament on the adoption of relevant laws, high the level of provision of services and advocacy, the expansion of the sphere of influence of CSOs through the delegation of the function of providing Cr co storony power, CSO Reduction dependence from the only the source of funding. At the same time, the slowdown in the development of civil space occurs, on the one hand, due to the fictitious and design nature of a significant number of public organizations, low level of their financial viability and public perception, low qualification of staff in conducting fundraising campaigns, on the other — through formalization by state authorities of discussions with regard to the use of budgetary funds and other reporting, minimizing the recommendations of the public in approving important ones documents and decisions, non-compliance with proper procedures by the authorities, use of manipulative reformatting of public councils, and the like. However, despite the instability of the indicators, civil society remains the strongest element of the democratic transition of modern Ukraine and continues to play a decisive role as a driving force for reforms aimed at building functional democracy and the rule of law.Abstract
The political and institutional climate is of particular importance for the development of civil society. It creates specific conditions and contributes to the development of rules that affect the efficiency, effectiveness of the functioning of the civil sector. The institutional and legal conditions for the formation and development of civil society in modern Ukraine are examined in the article. It is argued that there is a wide base of regulatory documents that contribute to the effective implementation of the concept of development of the civil sector. Next to this, the process of developing tools and practices of cooperation in this area, the adaptation of legislation to European standards, and the fulfillment of specific obligations continues. Positive aspects of the activities of civil society organizations and barriers that slow down the effectiveness of their development are highlighted. It is stated that
despite the instability of indicators, civil society remains the strongest element of the democratic transition of modern Ukraine and continues to play a crucial role as a driving force for reforms aimed at building a functional democracy and the rule of law. The normative base of the functioning of civil society created during the years of independence and improved in accordance with the European integration re53 quirements allows us to confirm the existence of institutional conditions for its development. At the same time, the barriers to the effective functioning of civil society organizations remain the mechanical implementation of all norms, procedural requirements, high indicators of inconsistency with other normative documents, the presence of substantial contradictions and insufficient level of trust in the normative and legal bases that are laid down in the previous period. Positive aspects of the activities of civil society organizations at the current stage of Ukraine’s development are: expanding opportunities for participation in the development or lobbying of bills, mediated influence on the lawmaking process through both natural actions and strengthening of systemic pressure by representatives of civil society in parliament on the adoption of relevant laws, high the level of provision of services and advocacy, the expansion of the sphere of influence of CSOs through the delegation of the function of providing Cr co storony power, CSO Reduction dependence from the only the source of funding. At the same time, the slowdown in the development of civil space occurs, on the one hand, due to the fictitious and design nature of a significant number of ublic organizations, low level of their financial viability and public perception, low qualification of staff in conducting fundraising campaigns, on the other —
through formalization by state authorities of discussions with regard to the use of budgetary funds and other reporting, minimizing the recommendations of the public in approving important ones documents and decisions, non-compliance with proper procedures by the authorities, use of manipulative reformatting of public councils, and the like. However, despite the instability of the indicators, civil society remains the strongest element of the democratic transition of modern Ukraine and continues to play a decisive role as a driving force for reforms aimed at building functional democracy and the rule of law.
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