


ethnic extremism, xenophobia, people, ethnos, political terrorism, multinational state


The end of the 20th – the beginning of the 21st century is characterized by an increase in manifestations of terrorist activity, ethnic intolerance, and the confrontation of states over the main spheres of influence. Along with the socio-economic influence of states and organizations, the importance of cultural, ideological, religious and ethnic influence on the population living in these regions or states is increasing in certain regions. Such a flow quite often neglects state and international laws, morality, established customs, which leads to the leveling of basic civil liberties and the destruction of the democratic system. Extremism, in all its manifestations, is becoming an increasingly dangerous social phenomenon, the roots of which are outdated social relations, demonstrative legal nihilism of elites, neglect of the achievements of civilization, oppression of the broad masses of the population, provocative actions of special services, etc. Ethnic extremism is expressed in actions aimed at the complete destruction of national, ethnic, racial or religious groups within the state and their transformation into a «single people», which, in turn, is a pronounced genocide. Ethnic extremism manifests itself in interstate and international relations at the regional and local levels, and is also an effective means of political manipulation at the interstate and international levels. Political terrorism is one of the manifestations of artificial aggravation of extremist sentiments in the middle of the state in relation to citizens of another state or national group. Manifestations of political terrorism in the middle of the state are a way of undermining the existing political system and discrediting state power. To overcome contradictions within multinational states, governments create conditions for unification based on common political, religious, cultural, worldview or other values. However, such a national policy of uniting a multinational state into a single nation bears the signs of political terrorism in relation to both its citizens and neighboring states.


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How to Cite

РУДА, Л. (2024). THE POLICY OF ETHNIC EXTREMISM AS A MANIFESTATION OF POLITICAL TERRORISM. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (2(74), 74-78.