


public administration, state administration, management goal, liberal-conservative discourse, neoliberal discourse, indicators of efficiency, criteria of efficiency


The article is dedicated to exploring mechanisms for assessing the effectiveness of public administration within the contexts of liberal-conservative and neoliberal philosophical discourses. The concept of “GOOD GOVERNANCE” is examined, and distinctions between the terms “public administration” and “state administration” are established. The contemporary discourse on setting management goals in the public sphere is considered within the frameworks of liberal-conservative and neoliberal discourses. State administration primarily involves understanding political dynamics with subsequent global reactions to these processes. Therefore, state administration extends beyond merely providing administrative services by state institutions and then excluding them from the political process. It is not simply a “mechanical” influence on an object weakly responsive to governmental authority. The goal of the article is to analyze existing methods for evaluating public administration effectiveness within the global liberal-conservative and neoliberal discourses. The theoretical basis of the research includes works by both domestic and international scholars addressing the issues of evaluating public administration effectiveness. The effectiveness of state administration requires assessing the purpose of governance, which may vary depending on how this purpose is evaluated within liberal-conservative or neoliberal discourses. Liberal-conservative sentiments are already enshrined in the Constitution of Ukraine, particularly regarding the assessment of state administration effectiveness. The primary task is to create an effective mechanism for implementing state administration aimed at shaping an active citizen, which is fundamental to the success of a national state.


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How to Cite

РУСНАК, О. (2024). APPROACHES TO ASSESSING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION: CURRENT DISCOURSES. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (2(74), 79-85.