


reformation, public administration, system of public administration, reforms, European integration, public authorities, civil society, mechanisms of public administration, digital state, electronic governance, «good governance», security challenges


The article examines the issue of modern directions of reforming the system of public administration in Ukraine in the context of the European integration vector. To create an effective and efficient system of public administration, a number of effective reforms should be implemented to improve the existing system. It was determined that the reforms should relate to both the activities of public administration bodies and to interaction with civil society. It was established that an important place is given to stability, which is the basis for European integration. It is emphasized that the reform of the public administration system in Ukraine is carried out in the conditions of modern security challenges caused by the war and causes the slowdown of reforms. Strengthening the stability of the democratic political system, modernizing the legal field, guaranteeing the transparency of Ukrainian legislation, strengthening national security and the security of citizens are considered key positive trends of European integration. For the further process of European integration of Ukraine and the maximum effect of its advantages, reduction of challenges, appropriate strategies in this direction have been defined. In the aspect of the Europeanization of public administration in Ukraine, three directions have been characterized in which relevant changes are being made. Attention is focused on the importance of implementing strategic public management in the conditions of European integration, and practical steps for improving strategic public management in the context of the European integration vector of development are given. The directions of the transformation of the public administration system are substantiated. It is emphasized that an important condition is reforming the organization and regulatory support of public administration, bringing the public administration system of Ukraine into compliance with international management standards. Emphasis is placed on the importance of active participation of civil society institutions in reforming the system of public administration in Ukraine. The priority trends associated with the successful process of accession to the EU, the initial dialogue with the OECD regarding accession, as well as the post-war restoration and modernization of the state administration system are highlighted.


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How to Cite

ГАЛИЧ, Я., & МОГИЛЬ, О. (2024). DIRECTIONS OF THE REFORM OF THE PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION SYSTEM IN UKRAINE IN THE CONTEXT OF THE EUROPEAN INTEGRATION VECTOR. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (3(75), 7-16.