


civil society, political lobbying, social mobilization, state regulation, political elites


The influence of political elites on state policy and public initiatives in Ukraine is one of the most critical factors in shaping the system of governance, especially during the post-Soviet transition period and ongoing political reforms. This article examines the relevance of studying political elites as key actors in the decision-making process, focusing on their role in determining the directions of state policy and their influence on public initiatives. Given Ukraine’s complex political landscape, characterized by frequent changes in leadership, party alliances, and external pressure, understanding the peculiarities of elite influence is essential for analyzing the broader processes of political and socio-economic development in the country. The purpose of this article is to investigate the influence of political elites on the formulation and implementation of state policy and public initiatives in Ukraine. The research aims to identify the main tools through which elites exert their influence, explore the relationship between political power and policy outcomes, and assess the implications for democratic governance and civil society participation. The results of the study indicate that political elites in Ukraine often use their position and resources to promote policies that align with their own interests or those of affiliated groups. This has led to the creation of a political system in which public initiatives are frequently co-opted or influenced by elite networks, limiting the opportunities for mass movements and independent civic activity. The study’s findings reveal that the absence of institutionalized checks and balances further strengthens elite control over state policy, resulting in uneven policy outcomes across different regions and sectors. Thus, the influence of political elites on state policy in Ukraine poses significant challenges for the development of a transparent and accountable political system. To mitigate this influence, it is essential to strengthen democratic institutions, promote the rule of law, and encourage greater public participation in policy-making processes. Without addressing the concentration of power among elites, the prospects for genuine reforms and inclusive governance in Ukraine remain uncertain.


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How to Cite

НАЗАРЧУК, О. (2024). THE INFLUENCE OF POLITICAL ELITES ON PUBLIC POLICY AND CIVIC INITIATIVES IN UKRAINE. Scientific Works of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Political Sciences and Public Management, (3(75), 69-75.