medical and psychological assistance, persons with disabilities, professional rehabilitationAbstract
Formulation of the problem. Professional self-realization is an important component of the comprehensive medical and social rehabilitation of persons with disabilities, a means of psychological personal harmonization that contributes to the achievement of maximum usefulness within the existing disease. Therefore, the issue of research of medical and psychological aspects of the dynamics of mental states of persons with disabilities in the process of their professional rehabilitation is relevant. Analysis of recent research and publications. Among the most important tasks of medical and psychological support of persons with disabilities in the process of vocational training, one can distinguish the following: raising the level of communicative competence; assistance in understanding the desires and opportunities, strengthening an adequate self-esteem; awareness of responsibility for their lives, the formation of motivation for them to succeed instead of motivation to avoid failures; organization of psychological help and support in stress and crisis situations, strengthening of self-confidence, assistance in attracting internal resources; acquiring specific psychological skills for effective job search. The task of the medical psychologist is to promote the attitude towards persons with disabilities as a full-fledged member of society, who have a certain production potential and make up a significant share of the labor resources of the state, have the right to decent work, professional self-realization, full disclosure, development and harmonization of the individual. Formulating the purpose of the article. The purpose is to determine the medical and psychological features of the impact of vocational rehabilitation in the complex rehabilitation process of persons with disabilities on their mental condition. The presentation of the main material. Among the emotional states of people with disabilities are depression, reduced self-esteem, feelings of insecurity and alienation, which affects their sense of loneliness. Such people are vulnerable, prone to melancholy, and this state causes them anger and desire for change. All this contributes to frustration, therefore the provision of professional self-realization is one of the effective means to overcome this situation. Conclusions and prospects for further research. The psycho-correction work we conducted at the All-Ukrainian Center for the Professional Rehabilitation of the Disabled was aimed at solving the current issues of the vocational guidance and educational process, and, in particular, on the normalization of the mental states of persons with disabilities. Psycho correctional measures using gestalt approaches, art therapy and game techniques were aimed at normalizing the state of health, activity and mood, training of communicative skills, correction of self-esteem, development of motivational-creative component. Persons with disabilities were able to pass through the period of adaptation to new living conditions and vocational training, ceasing to experience anxiety, insecurity, fear and anxiety. They learned to communicate effectively, get new friends, and feel mutual understanding and support.
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