


locus control, motivation, medical students.


Abstract. Introduction. Locus of control is a rather important component of motivational processes, which is closely interconnected with other areas of research of mental properties and personality characteristics. Formulation of the problem. Peculiarities of locus control of students of medical specialties are related to the prediction of their professional success, which determines the relevance of the topic of our research. Formulation of the purpose of the article. The goal is to establish the specifics of the relationship between the locus of control and the success of students of medical specialties. Analysis of recent research and publications. Despite the fact that many scientists have studied the problem of locus of control, the problem of the connection between locus of control and human success remains insufficiently developed to date. Research materials and methods. The research was carried out in accordance with the theme of the National Research Council of the Department of Medical Psychology of the Institute of Medical Sciences of the PJSC “Interregional Academy of Personnel Management” “Medical-psychological aspects of the educational process”. 42 students of medical specialties, selected using the method of simple randomization, took part in the study. The Methodology for researching the level of subjective control (RSK), created by E. F. Bazhyn, E. A. Golkina and A. M. Etkind based on the scale of J. Rotter, as well as the Methodology “Diagnostics of motivation to achieve success” by T. Ehlers were used. Research results. Based on the results of the respondents’ answers and the sums of the calculated points, 26 (61.9%) of the respondents were dominated by an external, or external, locus of control. For 14 (33.3%) respondents, internal locus of control was inherent. In 2 (4.8%) of the subjects, it was not possible to identify the prevailing level of subjective control, since they scored the same number of points on both the external and internal scales. The survey of the studied students according to the method of T. Ehlers showed that 14.3% of the studied students have a very high level of motivation for success, while 42.9% of respondents have high and medium levels. Conclusions and prospects for further research. It was found that in 26 (61.9%) respondents the predominant external locus of control is. Therefore, it is necessary to direct the educational process to the education of medical students for greater independence in making informed decisions and readiness for responsible actions, which is important as a component of the professional competence of doctors. In the future, it is planned to continue this research among students of other specialties, as well as to investigate gender and age aspects of the connection between motivation for success and locus of control of the personality.


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How to Cite

МУРЖАНАХ, Л., & БАЯНДІНА, О. (2022). THE PROBLEM OF THE DEPENDENCE OF A PERSON’S SUCCESS ON HIS LOCUS OF CONTROL. Modern Medicine, Pharmacy and Psychological Health, (1(8), 32-39.