The article is devoted to one of the most urgent problems of neurology – cephalgias. Often, various diseases, especially those that occur with a pain syndrome, and those that are aggravated under the influence of psycho-emotional stress and other adverse psychosocial factors, are accompanied by long-term symptoms. Medicinal methods of treatment are not fully effective, so non-medicinal technologies should be resorted to. Complex treatment of cephalalgia of the temporal region using reflexotherapy methods has been used for a long time, not only for neurological diseases, but also for psychosomatic problems. Reflextherapy is shown here both due to its powerful anti-pain mechanisms and due to the fact that it is able to improve the emotional state. Endogenous opioid systems, neurotransmitters acetylcholine, norepinephrine, dopamine, substance P, inhibitory and excitatory amino acids, free radicals, neurotrophic factors, increased activity of Na+ channels, significant activation of microglia, dysfunction of the immune system, hypothalamo- pituitary-adrenal axis, disruption of neuroplasticity processes in the central nervous system. But, as is known, thanks to the normalization of these substances and regulatory influences, the mechanisms of therapeutic effects of acupuncture methods are provided. Endogenous opioid systems are closely related to pathological mechanisms in cephalgias, but, at the same time, they primarily form the mechanisms of acupuncture effects and are one of the most studied neurotransmitter systems in acupuncture research. The article presents the main theoretical principles of the "balance of hexagrams" method and its practical implementation. A clinical case is also presented: cephalic syndrome of the temporal region. The methods of acupuncture diagnosis are presented, the acupuncture diagnosis is characterized in detail, the description of acupuncture correction is given, the methods of medical correction used in treatment, the features of the "favorable" hexagram are considered. Thus, patients with cephalic syndrome of the temporal region are found in the practice of a neurologist and a reflexologist. In the complex of therapeutic measures for cephalic syndrome of the temporal region, the use of the acupuncture method "balancing hexagrams" can be effective. Purpose. To consider the features of the use of reflexology using the method of "balancing hexagrams" in the complex rehabilitation of a patient with cephalgia of the temporal region. Scientific novelty. For the first time in our country, the method of compiling acupuncture prescriptions and acupuncture using the method of "balancing hexagrams" was used in the complex rehabilitation of a patient with cephalgia of the temporal region. Methods. We consider one clinical case of the use of reflexology using the method of "balancing hexagrams" in the complex rehabilitation of a patient with cephalgia of the temporal region. The methods of clinical objective neurological examination, the method of syndromic diagnosis of traditional Chinese medicine, the pulse diagnosis method, and the tongue diagnosis method were used. Results. As a result of treatment using the "balancing hexagrams" method, the patient's condition improved: the frequency and intensity of headaches decreased, and blood pressure spikes became less significant. Conclusions. 1. Patients with cephalic syndrome of the temporal region are found in the practice of a neurologist and a reflexologist. 2. In the complex of treatment measures for cephalic syndrome of the temporal region, the use of the acupuncture method "balancing hexagrams" can be effective.
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